About CAMP RIVERhawk
Join Us This Summer!
About Our Camp:
Camp Riverhawk is a nationally accredited Scout Camp located in Crownsville, MD. Camp Riverhawk is accredited through the BSA National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) every year. The program operates for one week every summer offering an outdoor activity program for all boys & girls currently enrolled in Cub Scouts.
Each Cub Scout is invited to participate in our 5-day program learning scouting skills, personal values, sporting activities, service and citizenship, cooking skills, first aid, nature, crafts and safety. Our shooting sports program consists of BB gun target shooting and archery line-shooting. Each skill is closely monitored by close, certified adult supervision. Our range instructors consist of law-enforcement personnel as well as highly trained instructors.
Over time, our camp themes rotate from year to year to keep it fresh and interesting. Recent popular themes were Knights of the Roundtable [2024], Cubs in Space [2023], Superheroes [2022], Down on the Farm [2020/21], Passport to Adventure [2019], High Sea Adventure [2018], Bug Hunters [2017], Cubstruction [2016], CSI: Investigations [2015], Pirates [2014], Mythology [2013], Medieval [2012], Land of the Pharaohs [2011] and Space [2010].
About Our Staff:
Camp Riverhawk operates using an entirely volunteer staff, some of whom work year-round gathering ideas and keeping the campfire burning. Our adult leaders are our finest resource and consist of fully qualified, trained and highly dedicated Scouts, Scouters and parent-volunteers who strive to put on a quality program that will positively influence our young Cubs. Made up of everyone from scientists, doctors, contractors, and law enforcement personnel all the way through home-schooling parents, our collective group of volunteers brings an incredible trove of ideas and abilities that make camp so special for our Cubs.
Our volunteers commit to a minimum of one day per Cub (they have enrolled), but many of our volunteers serve all week long, taking personal vacation time from their careers to serve the Cub Scouts because they feel so strongly about the positive message the organization offers our young citizens. We guarantee that every volunteer will walk away with lifetime-memories both for themselves and the children they help to guide and influence during their time with us!