Our Team

CAMP Director's Greeting

At Camp Riverhawk, we understand the importance of caring for your children. Our staff consists of highly trained and well equipped adults and Scouts, many of whom have campers (or siblings) attending the camp. The main goal of our staff is to to make sure your children are safe while having the best Scouting experience we can provide. The people who make up our volunteer staff never sit on the sidelines; they are engaged and active in all aspects of your camper’s day. Our strong sense of family ensures that your child will be treated like family while they are here. 

Den Leaders

We strive to ensure that each child is always supervised and safe. At Camp Riverhawk, we maintain exceptional Scout to leader ratios by creating “provisional dens” of children all in the same Scouting year. This means that your child’s camp experience will mimic their home-den experience within their own pack. Den leaders are vital to our camp in that they guide your children through their day while also maintaining daily communication with parents regarding updates regarding the camp.


At Camp Riverhawk, each activity/station is lead by an amazing group of leaders. Our activity leaders come from all walks of life and have a range of experience from law enforcement, firefighters, and medical personnel to office workers, accountants, lawyers, and much more. Each has a responsibility to create the most positive camp experience they can while conveying their knowledge of their assigned activity to your child. 


Our Youth Staff are at Camp Riverhawk on a volunteer basis. This means that these capable, devoted, enthusiastic teenagers are coming to camp, helping with activities, giving it their all, and making the week absolutely fantastic for your child for the simple reason that they want to be here. Camp Riverhawk's Youth Staff assist all of our Adult Leaders in making camp the best possible experience!


Our Administrative staff members have been hard at work, for over a year, coordinating every aspect of Camp Riverhawk. As soon as camp ends, they get busy using the information from the current camp session to plan the following year’s session. While camp operates, these leaders continually alter their operations to ensure a seamless experience for our Scouts. From filling in for Den and Activity Leaders to gathering supplies and making sure the camp has everything it needs to be safe, fun, and memorable for our Scouts, the Administrative staff is constantly working to make Camp Riverhawk the best possible Scouting experience of your child’s summer.