Why Camp Riverhawk?

Not only is Camp Riverhawk operated locally (at the Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds) it has been BSA Nationally accredited for many years. This means that all the areas and aspects of camp have met strict operational and safety requirements, but the campers continue to come back year over year because they have fun with their friends. No matter what Cub Scouting level your Scout is at, we offer activities to help them progress to the next level all while having fun. 

What is BSA National Accreditation?

Camp Riverhawk is accredited through the BSA National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP). The purpose of the Boy Scouts of America’s National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) is to help councils elevate camps to new levels of excellence in delivering Scouting’s promise to youth. Councils will engage in a rigorous review of camps and properties, continuous improvement, and correction or elimination of substandard practices.

Each year, Camp Riverhawk undergoes a thorough review of its’ operations and program plans in order to meet over 300 standards, in areas such as staff qualifications, training and emergency management. These standards also meet, and in many cases exceed, the Youth Camp Standards set forth by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Some of these standards include following youth protection guidelines, providing first-aid facilities, setting forth emergency procedures, and using staff screening systems such as criminal background checks.

What should a camper bring to camp?

Once registration closes, den assignments will be made by the Camp Administration Team and then each family will be contacted by their Den Leader prior to camp with a detailed description of all the items that are necessary for camp.  All participants are expected to wear their day camp t-shirt and camp hat each day. All participants are also responsible for providing their own lunches and drinks for the lunch time period. It is advised that each participant put their healthy lunch inside of a labeled, one gallon zip lock baggie.  It is a great idea to pack an extra pair of socks in a small Ziploc bag to be placed in your child’s lunch, so they can change their socks half-way through the day.

Any special medications should be delivered to the Medical Staff upon arrival each morning in a zip-lock bag with the child’s name clearly written on it and a prescription provided, and then picked up each afternoon.

Insect repellent and sunscreen should be applied at home. This is a precaution against allergic reactions. If they wish to bring some to camp, it must be brought to the Medical Staff each morning in a zip-lock bag with the child’s name clearly written on it, applied at the Medical Area, and picked up each afternoon.

Will there be other first-time campers?

Camp Riverhawk draws Scouts from all over Anne Arundel County. As such, we get a variety of types of new campers to our program.  Some are absolutely new to Scouting and attend not knowing a single other person while at camp. We group those kids together (by age) so that they have a great experience and meet new friends along the way. Some kids are not new to Scouting, but attending for the first time. These Scouts are also grouped together (by age) as every attempt is made to keep them with other Scouts from their home Den/Pack so that they know someone at camp. However, there are plenty of Scouts who take the plunge alone – they attend camp knowing that no one from their home Den/Pack are attending – and love it! Camp Riverhawk has a way of bringing out the adventure in your Scout and making them have a great time regardless of whether they know someone there or not. Don’t be surprised if your child comes home with a few new friends by the end of the week! 

Can I attend camp with my Scout for a day/all week? 

Yes! Camp Riverhawk is run entirely by volunteers. We need as much help as we can get. Each Scout must have an adult volunteer for at least one day. We will try to assign you with them for the day, however we sometimes need help elsewhere so please understand we may not be able to accommodate everyone. Also, please remember that All-Week Adult Volunteers get a discount off of their Scout’s enrollment!

What happens if I am running late; can my Scout still attend? 

Yes. To maintain security at the camp, you will need to bring your Scout to the Administration Area to sign-in. The staff will determine the location of your Scout’s camp-Den, and a staff member will escort them to that location. 

How does Camp Riverhawk staff the camp?

As Camp Riverhawk is an all-volunteer camp, our leaders are mainly the parents of Cub Scouts already attending the camp. Every parent is offered the option to volunteer all week or on single days. Because their own children are attending the camp, most parents go above and beyond to help make the camp a fantastic experience, thus doing so for your child. Some of our volunteers are “Lifetime Scouts” that have been giving back to the scouting program for decades. All of our volunteers are working professionals that are at camp only because they have taken personal vacation time away from their career because they believe so much in what Scouting has to offer our young people. At Camp Riverhawk, we are proud of having a high percentage of returning staff year after year. 

What about medical attention?

Camp Riverhawk has a fully-equipped and centrally-located first aid station within the camp that is staffed by professionally trained individuals. Certified and experienced health personnel are selected by the administrative staff to ensure the well-being of your child. In the event of an emergency, Anne Arundel Medical Center is located within 6 miles of the camp.

For those Scouts with personal medical conditions, as long as you make the camp aware of your child’s personal needs via the medical forms required to attend camp, the health staff is able to address their needs while they are at camp. You can notate any medical concerns in your registration, and if there are any changes please email us.

Who needs to fill out a BSA health form for camp?

Every single Scout, Adult Volunteer, Adult Leaders, Administrative Staff Member and Youth Staff is REQUIRED to fill out a BSA health form. Boy Scouts of America provides these forms and requires them to be completed in order to attend Camp Riverhawk. You may download a copy from the “Forms” section of this web site. 

Can I have someone other than a parent or guardian pick up my Scout? 

Yes. Please make sure that you fill out this information when registering your Scout on-line as part of the registration process for camp.  Please note that there is a section on the MEDICAL FORM where you can fill in this information, but it is NOT SEEN BY ALL OF OUR STAFF due to the privacy of your Scout’s medical information. As such, please indicate on your scout's registration.  If this information is NOT included, we will NOT allow your child to leave our care until you personally show up.  This is a safety policy and will not be altered by permission given over the phone. It MUST be in writing. To make changes to this after registration, please email riverhawkdistrictregistrar@gmail.com.

How do I become a Staff Member or Youth Staffer? 

We are always looking for Staff Members to help run the camp and make it the best week of Scouting we can for the kids! Please click 'Enroll Now' at the top of the page to sign up.

Why should my child go to camp?

Children who attend summer camps often show an increase in self-confidence and independence. They learn positive values from positive role models and gain leadership and communication skills outside of the school and home setting. Children have a chance to develop as individuals and are given the freedom to be themselves. But if you don’t believe us, how would they spend their day? Watching TV? 

Is my child going to be safe?

Your Scout’s safety is our primary concern. Before camp even starts, our administrative staff works tirelessly to ensure a safe experience for all who attend. From the layout of the camp to extensive training of all leaders, our primary goal is to make sure that you feel at ease leaving your child with us for the day. Once they are at camp, all Scouts have proper supervision and health care to ensure a safe and quality experience for all. 

Can I contact my child?

Parents are able to contact their campers via their Den Leader. If you need to get in touch with your child during the week, please make sure you get the cell phone number of your child’s Den Leader so that you may do so. 

Can my child contact me?

If your child needs to get in contact with you for any reason, their Den Leader will either make their own phone available or guide them to the administrative staff who will make a phone available to them.

Can my child bring their cellphone, iPod, DS, tablet or Kindle to camp?

The entire purpose/existence of Cub Scouting is rooted in the idea that the activity is an opportunity for your child to disconnect from electronics. In an effort to continue that idea, we prohibit our Scouts from using any type of electronics while at camp. Personal electronics are NOT allowed as they create a massive distraction and interfere with the both the operations of camp and the ability of our leaders to maintain the safety of our Scouts. 

What about allergies?

Before your child arrives at camp, you are required to fill out multiple medical forms. It is within these forms that you are able to list allergies, medications, conditions, etc. so that our camp staff has the opportunity to prepare for their arrival and to ensure they have a great experience at camp. Just like in their non-camp life, there is no reason that attending Camp Riverhawk should be any different/limiting to them.  As long as the proper medical precautions are addressed, your child should have a great week with us!